Friday, September 9, 2011

Current temp:  0 ambient,  -22 windchill
Wind:              30 knots gusting at 42
Sunrise:           irrelevant cuz can't see shit anyway but 0822
Sunset:            1723

Quick update.  It's been a cold one today!  We are in the midst of a big storm, it's condition 1 everywhere but McMurdo.  We have three weather conditions we go by:

Condition 3 = Normal day, hike, bike, do whatever you want

Condition 2 = Restricted travel by foot and vehicle, no recreational activities allowed

Condition 1 = Stay where you are, it's sucks outside (OK, that's not official, but it is true).

So basically, if it was our day off, it would be Con 1 in town, but they want you all to get your tax dollars worth, so we are all stuck working.

Earlier today my coworker (who is 6'11") was nice enough to drive me to a different building to drop off a really heavy back up power supply, and then the weather got really bad.  On our way back to our work center, he sort of accidentally went off the road (but in his defense, you can hardly see your hand in front of you when it gets this bad), and it took us and a couple of other guys and a van to get us out.  After about 20 minutes outside in full ECW gear i was still pretty warm except my hands.  I just had my every day gloves on, hands in my pockets.  But overall I still haven't warmed up!

Just goes to show you, proper gear makes all the difference.  

If you are checking out the webcam, yes there is snow on the lens but it makes no difference, we can't see McMurdo either!

Stay warm...

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