Saturday, September 24, 2011

-81 is no joke!

Current Temp Ambient:  -33   Windchill:  -65
Windspeed (knots):  18 gusts at 25
Sunrise:                   0627
Sunset:                   1908 (but who cares at -65!) 

So it's warmed up significantly from -81 as I write this at -65 (I'm inside, yes, but that cold is hard to shake even with hand warmers in my boots, long johns, a fleece and a jacket on - inside!)

Earlier today when it was -81 me and all my coworkers went outside and threw a cup of hot coffee into the air...check out what happens!  That's me in the starring role, apparently as the only woman in the tech shop, I'm also the "face" of McMurdo IT.

This link shows my friend Dave doing the same thing, his video captures the coffee a little better.

Don't worry mom, I have everything I need to stay nice and cozy!


  1. "Don't worry mom" are you friction kidding me? STAY INSIDE!!! I worry when you are in 40 degree temp without the right Patagonia item.....MOM

  2. Now I see what you were talking about. Wow that's cool. Steph

  3. Awesome! Reminds me of when Arfy and I went to the top of Mt Redoubt in AK ... ok it wasn't the top of Redoubt cuz that's pretty much an open volcanic crater mouth. So yeah you win! ;)
